Food Safety

We advise wide range of clients throughout every level of production, processing, packaging, labelling, distribution, advertising and dealing with regulatory and litigation issues impacting food and beverage quality and safety. Businesses operating in the food and nutrition sector are highly responsive and are bound to operate under strict regulatory guidelines of Food and Safety Act. We help our clients, producers and distributors to adhere to these guidelines and address any complex legal issue with our innovative, practical and effective solutions.

We frequently assist our clients on the issues such as labeling, tariffs, subsidies, licensing, transfer and litigation, intellectual property, crop and seed nutrition, fertilizers, pesticides, bio-fuels, food processing, insurance, commodity trading, FPOs, land acquisition, securitization, mergers and acquisitions, international trade regulations and disputes.

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LansIPs is a firm specialised in insolvency & Bankruptcy, Turnaround and Restructuring, Real Estate laws, corporate laws, trademarks, copyrights, designs and patents.